Home Resources Report: 29% of Americans Still Live in Their Hometowns

Report: 29% of Americans Still Live in Their Hometowns

Country roads, take me home. To the place where I belong.” Many songs like that classic John Denver tune croon about hometowns and the nostalgia these places inspire. But how many people actually end up venturing away from the place they grew up? 

Our new survey of 1,000 people living in America is discovering that many haven’t traveled as far as they envisioned their life would take them. Nearly 1 in 3 still live in their hometown, and, of those, 40% are still living with their parents! 

Top Reasons Americans Stay in Their Hometown

Reasons Americans stay in their hometown - allstarhome.com survey report

While people may dream of traveling far and wide from their hometown, many don’t move to locations that far away. The median distance Americans live from their hometowns is 30 miles. People who still live in their home state live less than an hour from their hometown…on average just 47 minutes! 

Of the 29% still living in their hometown, 41% see themselves staying there for the rest of their life, while 52% are planning to move away in the next five years. More women (47%) than men (38%) didn’t expect to be living in their hometowns at this stage of life. The main reason people don’t leave their hometown has to do with comfort and emotional attachment. Other causes are the financial inability to leave, jobs, and a fear of the unknown. 

Others are okay with being a so-called ‘townie.’ Out of all survey respondents, nearly 1 in 4 (24%) shared they identified as being a townie: a person who lives in the same town their entire life. Of those, the majority were not embarrassed about it. In fact, 51% said they’re proud to be a townie! 

Living With or Near Parents

How many Americans live with their parents or near them - allstarhome.com report

The saying goes “home is where the heart is,” and for many, home isn’t necessarily a physical space, but the people they surround themselves with: family. Of those still in their hometown, 38% still live in their childhood home, and 40% still live with their parents!

A stunning 86% of Gen Z who still live in their hometown reside with their parents along with 28% of Millennials. While 85% of people think it’s socially acceptable in 2023 to live with parents after school to save money, those doing it don’t necessarily want to broadcast it to the world. Nearly 1 in 3 (30%) are embarrassed to still be under their parent’s roof. 

While some children have flown the coop, many parents have followed them. In what’s being called the “reverse-boomerang effect,” parents are moving to where their adult children are. Of those who live out of state, 1 in 5 say their parents moved after they did! This is the case for 40% of Gen Zers who moved out of state. 

The main reason parents make the move is to be closer to their kids. Others shared it was because their parents liked the new state, while some said it was a matter of necessity and for caretaking reasons. In 2023, 19% have helped their parents financially, but it appears parents are helping their kids more. Nearly 1 in 3 (31%) say their parents have helped them financially in 2023.  

Main Reasons Americans Leave Home

Reasons Americans leave their hometowns - allstarhome.com report

Of those who live out of state or even out of the country from their hometown, 70% said they felt like they had to leave their hometown to live the life they wanted. The main draw was the search for a different living environment. Others left to follow family or because of a new job or school. 

Nearly half of those who left miss their hometown, and 21% are planning to move back to their home state sometime in the future. Of those, 14% are aiming to move back to their hometown. 

Whether your hometown is the one you grew up in or the one you’re making states or countries away, home truly is where the heart is. We hope you find comfort and peace in the place you’re at now in life and celebrate the journey you’ve taken to get where you are. 

Homes hold a lot of nostalgia, which is why it’s important to keep them in tip-top shape to retain the memories you and your family make. Here at All Star Home, we were created so you can worry less about upkeep and focus on the people who mean the most to you. If you are in need of anything from a new roof, gutter guards, or siding fixes reach out to us! 


In August 2023, we surveyed 1,000 people about their hometowns and current living situations. 50% were men, 48% were women, and 2% were nonbinary. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 77 with an average age of 43. 25% were Gen Z, 25% were Millennials, 25% were Gen X, and 25% were Baby Boomers. 64% live in a house, 24% in an apartment, 5% in a townhome, 4% in a mobile home, and 3% in a condo. 

For media inquiries, please contact media@digitalthirdcoast.net.

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